by esteem | Dec 5, 2018 | News
On November 28-29 2018 the ESTEEM consortium gathered in Athens, Greece for its last meeting. After a brief welcome by M. Koutouzis, Research Associate of the Centre of Education Policy, KANEP/GSEE, the event started with an overview of the project’s results. In...
by esteem | Nov 29, 2018 | News
The Final Conference of the ESTEEM project was held at Titania Hotel, Athens, Greece on November 29, 2018. This conference offered a forum for knowledge sharing in transversal skills both in social sciences and the workplace. The event included a presentation of ...
by esteem | Oct 29, 2018 | News
The Greek Experts Dissemination Workshop was carried out on the 25th of October 2018, at KANEP-GSEE premises with the participation of experts from ESTEEM’s consortium as well as from the following organisations: the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning &...
by esteem | May 3, 2018 | News
The first two-days experiential workshop for Social Sciences Graduates of the ESTEEM program was held on the 28th and 29th of April. This action is the second part of a holistic and flexible training program that includes also an e-learning course and remote...
by esteem | Apr 20, 2018 | News
The Initial Networking and Dissemination Events of the ESTEEM program were held by the partners in the three participating countries, Greece, Italy and Spain in February and April 2018. More specifically, the Centre for Educational Policy Development of the Greek...